1. What and where is Paia Beach Movies ?
I live on the North Shore of Maui and I thought it would be cool to show movies on the beach.
That's about it.
We intend to showcase classics of all genres, but as ever, not everyone's definition of a classic is equal.

The 25 foot screen and Dolby Stereo sound system will be located on the sand volleyball court just outside the Paia Youth Center.
That's next to an area known as Baby Park, which contains the basketball court on the outskirts of Paia.

     next show: 7.30pm, Fri 30th Nov
2. What's this movie the Princess Bride ?

Without this movie (and the combined brilliance of Rob Reiner's direction and William Goldman's screenplay) modern day fantasy comedies like Shrek would not exist.

An absolute classic, this sarcastic swashbuckler tops many viewers all time top tens, and while I find it inconceivable, is apparently the number 2 most often quoted movie of all time.

It's extremely likely you've seen it and will want to see it again but if you have not - then come on down...(click on the links under the picture for waaay more info about the movie)

IMDB entry  fan site

3. What else will you be showing ?
That all depends on what you all want to see.
Here are some options but feel free to suggest others by email to nick@never.com

Ferris Buellers day off, Hudson Hawk, Stand by Me, Big Blue, Breakfast Club, Big Wednesday, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Great Escape, Officer and a Gentleman, Pump up the Volume, Usual Suspects, Goonies, Sound of Music and so on...
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[If nobody makes any suggestions for future movies I will have to decide myself.
wait....I'll decide myself regardless - but your input is highly valued. Really it is. Honestly.]